A unique initiative for accelerating research and development in nanoelectronics in India has been launched in August 2008 at the Centers of Excellence in Nanoelectronics (CEN) at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru (IISc) and Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB). The Indian Nanoelectronics Users Program (INUP) intends to facilitate experimentation of research ideas of Indian researchers in the general area of nanoelectronics.
read moreFamiliarization Workshop/
Basic Training Program
Hands-On Training/
Advance Training Program
CeNSE-IISc, Bengaluru is inviting applications for INUP-i2i Hands-on Training on Nanofabrication and Characterization Techniques (Level 2). The training will be conducted at CeNSE from 20-29 January 2025 (10 days) for the Universities of North-East region and INUP-i2i (IISc) Collaborating Institutes only.
Please register and apply for INUP-i2i Hands-on Training on INUP-i2i Portal ( http://www.inup-i2i.in/inup_wrapper/login.php ), along with the brief research proposal.
Last Date to apply for the workshop is 16 December 2024.
more infoDear All,
Please provide your valuable feedback for INUP Users' Meet which was held on Saturday, 10th August 2024 at IIT Bombay.
Feedback Form Link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=EuU7yF-WC0qkr87PGFn4PYbrX4w9SSlPhT5KfbtYnJRURFVUUkpFSEk3SVdCUUFHTFQ2WlE2UDEwUy4u
INUP Users' Meet:
The first INUP Users’ Meet was organized in association with MeitY (Gol) on August 10, 2024, at IIT Bombay. This event was organized to celebrate INUP's success, share the experiences, and shape the future of India's Semiconductor Mission. This special event was a platform for the users from academics and industry to showcase the achievements as well as to participate in special sessions, lively discussions, and fantastic networking opportunities!
more infoReady-made off-the-shelf Standard IDEs and Microheaters are available. Please contact inup.cense@gmail.com for more details.
Standard IDE:
Research proposals are invited from the academic researchers for the short-term micro/ nano characterization projects, to be supported under INUP-i2i programme initiated by MeitY, GoI.
Equipment list: http://mncf.cense.iisc.ac.in/facilities/
More details: https://www.inup.cense.iisc.ac.in/submit-project
To apply: https://www.inup.cense.iisc.ac.in/login
more infoApplications are invited from Start-ups/ MSMEs to be supported under INUP-i2i programme initiated by MeitY, GoI. For more details: http://www.inup-i2i.in/inup_wrapper/startups.php Application form: https://inup-i2i.accubate.app/ext/form/563/1/apply
more infoCeNSE, IISc Bangalore hosted the supply chain team of Intel India on 14th & 15th July 2022 for a ‘Nano-fabrication’ training. The program included an overview of semiconductor fabrication and two ‘deep-dive’ demonstrations on sputtering & reactive ion etching. Kudos to the CeNSE staff for delivering the training and thanks to Intel team for their enthusiastic participation. Thanks to INUP-i2i and MeitY for their continued support of the national nanofabrication facility.
https://inup-i2i.org/ INUP-i2i common web portal for all the MeitY initiated nanocenters (IISc Bangalore, IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Kharagpur, and IIT Madras).